Sunday, February 10, 2008

Persuasive Poster

For our second assignment, we were asked to create a poster that persuades a public audience to think of a problem more critically. We had to choose a subject that we feel strongly about and consider ourselves as the activist for its campaign. For this assignment, I chose a toupee for my product. I chose this because for one I had no idea what to do with this poster, and for two, I think that bald men should embrace how they look instead of trying to hide it behind a tacky piece of fake hair on top of their heads! So, the picture that I have posted with this assignment is the start to my project. I have decided to put different hairstyles on the head of a man to show that no matter who you are, you should embrace the person that you are, and not who you try to be. This goes along with the slogan, "Be Happy. Be Yourself".

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