Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Book Review Assignment

This is our first assignment for Graphic Studio 1! We were asked to review a design book of our choice and create a PowerPoint presentation on our personal review of the book. For this assignment, I chose the book Design for the Other 90%. This book gave designers insight on the 90% of the world's total population and how almost half of these people cannot easily access food, clean water, or shelter. Design for the Other 90% showed the steps in which architects, designers, professors, and students take to provide products and services for the less fortunate. I was inspired by this book because it showed the importance of what future consumers and clients want and need as well as gave me great insight on designing necessities for the poor versus making products more stylish, efficient, and durable for the top 10% of the world's population. Overall, I really enjoyed this assignment because it allowed me to both chose a book of my choice, and the opportunity to learn about design in a different perspective.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fascinating book. I will be sure to include it on my must read list for the area of graphic design.

Tessa said...

I really enjoyed the consistency of the layout of your slides. The background you chose correlated well with the book. I would have liked to see more pictures and more examples of the designs included. It sounds like a really interesting book and I'm glad you stuck with it even though it's not technically graphic design- it's great to see other less traditional inspirations!